The Tyrant and the Squire Page 26
James Craig Paterson
Jay Payette
Russell Payne
Heather Pazmino
Viggo Pedersen
Gwen Pelletier
Jay Pennington
Clifford Penton
Robert Phillips
Paul Pick
Justin Pollard
Glenn Anton Polyn
Katie Pow
William Powell
Janet Pretty
Jonathan Pritchard
Katharine Purvis
Nick Quinn
Colette Reap
Gemma Regan-Mochrie
Corey Reid
Helen Reid
Louise Reid
Clay Renfroe
Stephanie Ressort
Olly Richards
Charles Richardson
Thomas Richter-Emde
Jem Roberts
Mr. Jack Robertson
Helen Rogerson
Igor Rogov
Wojciech Rogozinski
Sebastian Röhrig
Stephen Rooney
Nicky Roper
Ira Rosenblatt
Chana Rochel Ross
Nadine Rückert
Sven Rump
Benjamin Russell
Bonnie Russell
Gail Russell
Kate Ryan
Lisa Ryan
Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub
Thomas Sandelands
Roman Sannikov
Arthur Schiller
Gerhild Schinagl
Manon Lynn Schürch
Jenny Schwarz
Anne-Marie Scott
Catherine Seeligson
Helen Selden
Jo Sharples
Kuniko Shoji
Julia Shortt
Shawn Sijnstra
Dave Sikula
Catriona Silvey
Mark Simpkins
William Slaughter
Peter Sleight
Jodie Sloan
Nigel Smale
Andrew Smith
David Smith
Michelle Smith
Nigel Smith
Christopher Sniezek
Anna Söderblom
Lili Soh
Pawel Somogyi
Martin Spencer-Whitton
Karen Steiger
Christopher Stephenson
Warren Stine
Toby Stone
Sheila Gibson Stoodley
Katie Stowell
Kathleen Strawder
Robert Two Sheds Stroud
Nina Stutler
Tristan Swales
Keith Tait
Alexis Taylor
Elaine Teenan
Alice Thacker
AJ Thomas
Emily Angharad Thomas
Martha Thomases
Mike Thompson
Rhys Thompson
Catherine Tily
Astrid Timonen
Pekka Timonen
James Tomkins
Gail Tomlin
Kev Toumaian
Anne-Marie Trace
Shinya Uehara
Shaun Usher
Olivier Vigneresse
Ana Vitorino
Tim Vivian-Shaw
Nicklas von Plenker-Tind
Robert Waft
Susan Warlow
Olivia Watchman
Barbara Watt
Shannon Rose Alice Webber
Alexandra Welsby
Deb Werth
Don West
Chris Weston
Scott Weston
Wynn Wheldon
Pete White
Beata Wierzbowska
Emily Wilhite
Mark Williams
Randy Williams
Sean Williams
Derek Wilson
Sam Windrim
Andrea Wiskin
Thomas Ray Worley
Nicola Wright
Janice Yelland-Sutcliffe
Artur Zakalski
Adriana Zayia
Angelina Zayia
Christopher Zayia
Gregory Zayia
This edition first published in 2018
6th Floor Mutual House, 70 Conduit Street,
London W1S 2GF
All rights reserved
© Terry Jones, 2018
The right of Terry Jones to be identified as the author
of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
While every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright material reproduced herein, the publisher would like to apologise for any omissions and will be pleased to incorporate
missing acknowledgments in any further editions.
Text Design by Ellipsis, Glasgow
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-78352-462-4 (trade hbk)
ISBN 978-1-78352-463-1 (ebook)
ISBN 978-1-78352-461-7 (limited edition)